Friday 10 June 2011


Class+ reading 

After having read the article Too cool for school. No way! Using the TPACK Framework- You can have your hot tools and teach with them, too (Punya, 2009) and having heard the literature circle presentation I had a deeper understanding of what TPACK meant. It means that if educators are to use the "cool tools" that technology offer, they require a specific kind of knowledge that we call technological pedagogical and content knowledge. Teachers should go beyond their particular disciplines, technologies, and pedagogical techniques and try to achieve the knowledge specified by the TPACK framework. 

In session 10, we also talked about an interesting way to store students' work: E-portfolio. There are two main types of educational e-portfolios: Firstly, a reflection type where entries are done over time and usually wrote in the present tense. Secondly, a showcase type that would be used to document the achievement over time. It is really a website that enables users to collate digital evidence of their learning. Our lecturer gave us a fantastic idea to create a portfolio with our students where they would put their best work each week to be able to show it to their parents or simply to celebrate their best work. I truly think that it would be something that I would experiment with my own class. 

- Mishra, P. & Koehler, M. J. (2009). Too cool for school?  No way! Learning & Leading 
With Technology, 36(7), 14-18.,r:1,s:0&tx=68&ty=54&biw=1187&bih=634

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