Wednesday 8 June 2011

Social networking


Technology can be used the wrong way when dealing with social networking:  to bully or find personal information. Teachers as well as students need to be careful with how they use technology for their personal life.

Firstly, teachers should be careful with the information they put on social websites- e.g. Facebook, Myspace, etc. In session 9, our teacher asked us to type our name in a "google search". Naively I thought that nothing would come up, however, a perfect stranger could know most of my life. Similarly, with "google images" most of my Facebook's images came up and also my friend's. It was also brought to our attention that our private settings on any social website should be as private as possible. Future employers, future students or even parents could do a simple google search to know more about our private life...

Secondly, students can also misuse technology by using it for the wrong purpose or not thoughtfully. For instance, cyber bullying is "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group, that is intended to harm others" (wikipeida). But students also need to be aware of other problems created by technology: which images can be displayed on Internet, which information can they put online etc. Those issue was discussed in class and a few solutions were suggested. For example,  the cyber smart  website is a great way e-learning resource to make the students aware of possible problems related to technology. Also, budd;e  is another resource that can be used to tech students to choose a good password, which photos are private or which ones can be publicly exposed, or which personal information should stay private...

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