Thursday 7 April 2011


For our PE3 class we had to create a digital story. I have always wanted to create those beautiful videos, that you can see on the web, of holidays photos or simple videos about what you are doing in life. I have played with iMovie before but never created a real video so when I was asked to publish a video about a significant learning experience I was sightly scared! In the end, I have looked at the choices that we had - i.e. Garage band, movie marker, iMovie, Jaycut, vuvox or Animoto - and I discovered that Animoto was a very simple website to use to create a video.  

With animoto, they give sample videos that you can choose from to create your own video. You can create a video for free ( if it is less than 30 seconds) or you can pay 5 dollars a month (if it is more than 30 seconds). After choosing your video, you need to had pictures or short video clip, then add music and you are done! They create the video for you and send it to your e-mail...It's that easy!

To create my video, I created a podcast using garage band and added some music (found on garage band as well) in the background. Then, I selected some private photos from iPhoto and put everything together with Animoto. Have a look at my video and tell me what you think about it...

Here is a video on Youtube in case you have more questions about Animoto...

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