Thursday 7 April 2011


Tweet Tweet

(reacting to students' post+ class)

Last week, we were asked to sign up to Twitter. Again, I did not see how this could help us as primary school teachers later on in our classroom.

But I found Sean and John's discussion on Twitter and its use in the primary classroom and it helped me to undersant its use. They made a list of advantages and disavantages about twitter. On the one hand, students who struggle to communicate through lengthy writing can communicate more easily using twitter as it builds confidence through shorter posts. (see Martin Waller's article here). Also, twitter can be used as a professional development for the teacher using the tweets from other teachers. It also increase teacher/parent communication as teachers can upload pictures of artwork done by the students etc. On the other hand, exposure to other people's tweets can grant access to inappropriate material for the classroom and there can be potential privacy problems.

It is true that it can help the professional development of the teachers. For example, I discovered a very interesting Maths video by checking out Lydia's post on Twitter. Also, I learnt everything about dingles by reading MissJames very amusing blog post and about her incredible adventure to create a video.

Twitter is without a doubt one of the best ways to communicate and share our ideas about education. To be honnest, I am still not very confident with Twitter. But it is just a matter of time!

Picture taken at:

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